Friday, February 9, 2007

Part A (Sohee, Yun)

The Item that i like to use is my cell-phone.
because there's Visibility, Feedback, Affordances
Mapping, Constraints, Habituation.

-full colour, bright and clear
-outstanding contrast and color rendition
-superior image quality.
-diplays every necessary informaton such as
calculator, alarm clock, scheduler, notepad, world clock
vocie memo.

-Visual feedback is superior image quality.
-Aural feedback is bell sound, button sound and music sound
-Tactile feedback is presses a button.

-easy to learn the control
-easy to dial the number of the cell-phone

-press keeps the cell-phone locked

-someone's phone numbers users can memorize
the press the button.
-there are only few buttons so the users can
memorize the control easily.

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