Thursday, February 15, 2007

Taj's Toys

1) for someone to draw on if you put an image on the left side and plane paper on the right and try to draw you get some fun, sometimes great results, its simple. And theres something blocking in between your eyes.

2) its just a grid of cars colored so that you need to make a row of them by shifting them each in one direction.

3) This one would just be fun to look at, its a snow globe attached to elastics but you don't just shake it you push it down and it bounces up and down, interesting results maybe?

4) this is a face you can move every part of. the first layer is just a thin piece of elastic like stuff but under it you have these parts that shift so you can make the face make funny faces.

5) is a blank toy that comes with a bunch of accessories and maybe some paint, pretty much create your own toy.

6) is 4 different toys and each one has all its limbs dis attached, sort of similar to number 5 but more restrictions (you can make a cyborg or a he-she or a guy with really big arms but a really weak body) funnier results.

7) is a rocket that you pump up and then depending on the air in the balloon it launches the rocket, really simple all you have to do is place the balloon on the nozzle and press the button to pump air.

8) you get a godzilla like dinosaur (small) and a city with army men and such, and you just have fun destroying buildings and acting stuff out. preferably a 2+ player toy.

9) Plinko look alike game, you just drop a ball into the bottom and it lands in a random slot that tells your fortune. each slot will say something like "maybe" "yes" and "no".

10) a hand that is attached to you fingers and moves based on your fingers, not really a toy but could be fun.


Vanished said...

      Hey Taj. I’m going to comment on your toys now…

Toy 1 – I thoroughly enjoy the concept of drawing. This one sounds very simple and intuitive. I like it.

Toy 2 – Cars sliding around on a grid. Definitely good times. Maybe there should be subtle noises whenever you move the cars and when you make the correct row you get a sound that indicates success. If I had to suggest a sound, I would say an air horn for sure.

Toy 3 – I truly love this variation of a snow globe. I’m just not sure how much fun a child of today would get out of it. I know as a child I would have played with it all the time. It’s the perfect amalgamation of bouncing things and crazy snow globes. More magnets.

Toy 4 – Yeah this is pure genius. It sounds like Operation meets Lego or something. You could also make it really educational, perhaps regarding human facial structure. Actually I think I’m an idiot and I interpreted your concept incorrectly. But I think that if it is just a face and the user can change its expressions, it should be solid enough.

Toy 5 – This is really cool. Back home we had this hobby shop and I would go stare at the little army figures that people would paint with astounding detail…It was ridiculous! So yeah I could see having a good time with this toy.

Toy 6 – This is solid. All I have to say. I can imagine all the things I would create.

Toy 7 – Hmmm, A rocket. Definitely could be fun. Make sure to make the rocket soft so the user can shoot it at virtually anything.

Toy 8 – This could be fun, Especially if the city is very realistic yet durable. Maybe some buildings could light up and there could be sound effects.

Toy 9 – I really like the fact that the end result is your fortune being told. I’m not sure how fun this could be, but I’m sure kids would cycle their long lists of pertinent questions through this device. They had better get the truth Taj. Either way it would still be amusing to some extent.

Toy 10 – Yeah I think this would be cool. You should also find a way to make the grip of the hand maybe 10 times the strength of the users grip. That way they can crush things. I’m not sure you could find a way to amplify the strength of the grip unless you use hydraulics or pneumatics. But I’m not sure that kind of stuff would be feasible for the project. Cool though…crushing things.

I would have to say your three strongest concepts would be:

Toy 4
Toy 5
Toy 9


lisa macdonald said...

1. this design is a great beginner drawing book, you were able to make an old design better. Great idea.

2. Your car design is good and simple, it might be a bit more interesting if you added something else to it, tracks or jumps perhaps? Or is that just to “already been done”…

3. Number three is really interesting idea but like you said is more pleasing looking then overall fun. I just want you to make it so I can play with it.

4. Four seems like it would be a really funny toy design. Who wouldn’t like making funny faces? A boring child that’s who.

5. I really like the idea of being able to create your own toy, it’s creative, not limited to any sex and imaginative. Great concept.

6. This is kind of like your number 5 design but a little less messy. Both very fun ideas.

7. Number seven seems like it would make for good times. It’s imaginative and also kind of educational.

8. I always use to just take any animal like toy and make it destroy any tall standing structure. Mom’s tack of books, gone. Brothers lego buildings, gone. Who knew what was next! But with your toy design I don’t have to go anywhere to wreck something.

9. I love mazes. Long lasting fun though? Who knows.

10. There is a giant grey cube blocking my view of your explanation of this toy so I’m not sure what your intentions were… but it looks scary… never mind I fixed it. This isn’t a toy taj, no I’m kidding. Good idea but not as strong as some of your other designs.

Great designs taj, but my favorite designs would have to be number 5 and 7.


CJBlake said...

Taj, let's critique some toys!

1. This one is promising. I always liked to draw from a grid. So a picture was broken up into squares and all you had to do was draw one square ata time. Maybe this could be added?

2. I agree with symon's suggestions. There should be acknowledgement from the toy if you're successful with the cars.

3. The snow globe is neat. Very creative idea. Don't know how long i'd have fun with it but it's cool.

4. If you could make the face work, it sounds like it would be very explorational and funny.

5. I really like this concept. Kind of like war hammer but more opportunities for originality.

6. I agree with Symon again. I really like this idea. A lot of variation, exploration and humour.

7. Again, i agree with Symon. Rockets are a winner if they're simple to use and won't hurt anyone.

8. This toy taps into our human nature to want to break things. If you could exaggerate this even more somehow, it would be pretty interesting.

9. Magic 8 ball, essentially. Always effective, always fun to imagine. Might be dangerous for the more gullible of humanity. They might run their lives by this thing.

10. This reminds me of that toy that everyone had that was like a red clamp that you pull and can grab things from a distance. It was a fairly useless toy but everyone had opne, so maybe you're onto something.

My favourites were: the inter-changeable figures, the refference and drawing book and the paint your own figurine. Those ones all have a good amount of promise and potential fun.

Nice work.
