Thursday, February 1, 2007

Common Fate

Hau-Ling (Andrea) Chan

Common fate is the elements that move together in the same direction as a group. It also interprets as elements that move at different time or in different directions. When the elements move at the same time, velocity and direction, the perceived relatedness is the strongest.

Although common fate usually refer to moving element, it also happens in flicker. For the flicker, the perceived relatedness is the strongest when the elements flicker at the same time, frequency, and intensity.

Common fate relationship influence whether elements are as figure or ground elements. For example, when certain elements move and others stay, the moving objects will be seen as figure element, and the staying object will be seen as ground elements.

Common fate example:

The four dots in the left middle side of each diagram are moving toward the right. It is moving in the same direction, velocity, and time. According to the common fate, the four dots will be the figure elements and the others will be the ground elements.

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