Thursday, February 1, 2007

Monica - Law of Pragnanz

This is also known as the law of good figure or the law of simplicity. It is the way we see things and for each individual it is different. It has to do with how we see things in our environment and we try to interpret or recognize them in their simplest forms. It is how we try to see the simplest form under the complex exterior face. We see things as we would like to perceive it.
For example: On the left, one would percieve it as four lines or a rectangle. The simpliest object one would see is the rectangle. As a whole a rectanlge would be easily identified when all four sides are connected.
Boeree, George. "Gestalt Psychology." 2000. <> (30 January 2007).
Wagner, Kendra Van. "estalt Laws of Perceptual Organization." 2007.

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