Thursday, February 15, 2007

Patrick Kidd's Toy Ideas

#1,#4, #9 and of course #11 are my personal favourites.


Aaron Szymanski said...

Number 11 owns

Anonymous said...

LOL man the battery is an AWESOME idea lol...but i'm also liking the car bowling and the beachball with the weight...and the mini pool would be helpful during my boring as hell lecture lol

Richard Wong said...

good ideas.... I love the first's kinda similar to my spike ball =]

The animal one might work well also.... it shows the creativity of the player

Yana Haiduk said...

I remember my gradfather (he's a retred engineer) asked us kids to try and lick these finger bataries.... so we did... LOL but this just must be too much, but how itching eh? to try and actually lick it???

i noticed you are putting some words on your toys, they serve as instructions and u r not supposed to do that, it has to be intuitive.

i liked the idea of the "bowling car", it's very boyish and i'm sure boys would love to play it all the time.

the roller blades might be fun too, especially if there is an actuall proper intuitive indication that they are supposed go on your fingers... and it would be even nicer to have the whole set of the same theme (sports) of these toys, so you don't get bored with just two rollers.