Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rachel Supermarket Narrative #1

Carmel Jane and Candice Jones
Just can’t leave their sweet teeth alone
Chocolate, gummies, sweets galore
You’d think they own a candy store

Breakfast is 3 cups of juice
Followed by caramelized fruit
Dipped in yoghurt for some flare
And no! The sugar won’t end there

Snack time comes at 10:13
Syrupy biscuits and Chocó creams
Schogetten chocolate and gummy bears
Candy wrappers rip and tear

Bright red Smarties, they do yearn
It helps them focus, helps them learn
Add, subtract and long divide
Twelve, eat seven, left is five

Hazel, pea and coconuts
Almond cake yet to be cut
Kit Kat Minis on to munch
All this makes a solid lunch

Now for dinner, what to eat?
Rich dark chocolate’s quite the treat
Stacked 6 feet high upon a plate
It’s the leaning tower of After Eight’s!

Bedtime stories, brush the teeth
Wash away those cavities
Climb in bed, its time to dream
Of more chocolate bars and candy creams!

1 comment:

Marie Poliak said...

hahha hey i think we had the same recipt!! i also made mine a poem.

I didnt mean copy u :P