Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jenny Duong's receipt stories

Recipt E

John enters Lisa's Supermarket...
Marie has finally moved her lousy ass out of my apartment. GOOD! It’s about time; I don’t need her…who even wants her? I’ve done my best and wasted my time trying to make things work, and now it is my time to live my life, my way. No more nagging and no more arguing. Tonight I’m going t to have a feast, and drink to the occasion. Lets see, yes I need some cheese…hmmm…Marie hates Gouda cheese but I love it, all the better to have some tonight, along with some meat loaf. Don’t feel like cooking so I’ll go with the cooked meatloaf. Oh! Here’s one that will drive Marie nuts, German Liverwurst, her most hated food in the world. I don’t have to worry about needing to kiss her after so hey why not? Going to gave me two Sherry Pales, and God’s greatest gift alcohol AKA beers. Need some apple juice for the morning and yogurts for snacks. OK! now I’m all set for the life of a single man. That reminds me, I need some more deodorant, got to always smell nice for the ladies rite.
John walks to the Cashier and pulls out his wallet.

Recipt Q

“Hello there Ms. Reich, how are you doing?” says Melrose to the grocery store owner. “I’m fine and how are you Rose?” she replies. Ms. Reich glances at Melrose through her thick glasses and reaches for Melrose’s basket. “I could be better but can’t complain I guess” Ms. Reich starts unloading Mel’s grocery items onto the counter and starts hand writing the receipt. Wavy salted Crisp 0.89cent, mini coconut 1.59, a bottle of hairspray 1.59, Candy & Crème 1.29, Ritter Sport Mini 1.39. Ms. Reich stops and looks up at Melrose “Healthy eating life style you youngsters have.” Melrose giggles and nods Ms. Reich continues. Dry cat food 2.25, Cigarettes 2.30, cat litter 3.79, milk 0.49cents, 2 canned cat foods 0.38cents, berry syrup 1.49, garbage bags 0.99cents and a deposit money return -2.75. “So how are Jake and Tom (Melrose’s cats) I haven’t seen them around town for a while.” asks Mr. Reich, as she points out the grand total of the bill. “They’ve been great getting old and lazy I suppose, they just chill around the front porch these days” Melrose replies as she opens her wallet. “Actually Mr. Reich add another pack of cigarettes to the bill” Ms. Reich raises an eyebrow and shakes her head, “The day they started announcing how terrible these devil sticks are for your health I quit right away and made sure Jack quit as well. I still can’t believe your generation has not learned to rid of these cancer causing habits yet.” Ms. Reich sighs as she adds the extra 2.50 to the list and writes thank you and goodbye at the bottom of the receipt, an old habit she has kept tradition since her younger years. Mel pays and smiles “In our generation bad is good but I’m sure I’ll regret it one day thanks for the concern, and I guess I’ll see you in a few days Ms. Reich. Take care.” Mel not wanting to be lectured any longer leaves as fast as she can.

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