Thursday, February 22, 2007

yana, receipt stories

Receipt Story #2

Receipt Story #4 (same receipt)
I can’t eat anymore rice. Rice for breakfast, rice for lunch.. “Oh, darling, don’t forget your lunch! It’s rice with korma today!”… rice for dinner! I can’t stand it anymore! I see my other friends, they had sandwiches for lunch, they have burgers, they have pizza. And you know what my mom says on this? “Oh, darling, they all are going to get fat when they grow up.” So, she never spares change for me so I can buy a slice of pizza for myself. Well, but sometimes I see these white kids who never tried our delicious rice and I sell my lunch, well, I trade actually, with their lunches. Damn, do they love it. They say it’s tastiest rice dish they ever ate! Well, it’s Afghan rice, what do you want! We prepare it differently then let’s say Indians cook, or Pakistani people, and I’m not even talking about Chinese rice. Chinese rice is always so sticky and thick. If you ever saw our rice, when it’s cooked, it’s like an inch long! And it’s never EVER sticky! “It’s like when you eat it, you don’t feel full at all. Give me more! Give me more!” my friend Gorge once told me when I invited him over. But damn, am I sick of this rice! I love it and all but can my mom cook something different once in a while!?!?!

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