Friday, February 16, 2007

where does he get those wonderful toys?

1 comment:

seandavidson said...

i think the popcorn idea is good. it's visually appealing,and if it actually pops the popcorn it would be a great product for anyone. it's more of a tool than a toy though.

the piggy bank is quite funny.i think it would be fun as long as the user understands the sense of humour.

i dont really understand the bear toy. it looks like it could be something like tic tac toe. that would be fun.

the hat with the speakers is not really original, but i would find it fun.i wish i had one. would it come in different styles/colours

the remote control car concept is really cool. if it functioned well it could be the most fun of the toy concepts you've created.

the coke mentos idea might be a little dangerous. if someone knew what they were doing it could be fun. someone not knowing what it does might lose an eye.

the glass with the clock is cool. not really a toy that would be a lot of fun, but it would be useful and a welcome addition to my cupboard.