Friday, February 16, 2007

stories - c parker.

She was the quiet type of girl, but not so quiet as to be meek. Mild mannered only described her daily life; she knew what cutting loose meant. Single living had been thrust upon her, just like smoking and mild obesity. Not like she was fat, because she’d never be able to stomache it, but that pudge level that indicates a lack of activity. No, now a roommate would be out of the question. Some people get along with others in daily life, whereas Shareen had developed ways of being so as to keep her from this domain. Her own tendencies verging on anal bipolarity coupled with intolerance make her a non-candidate. So she sits and strokes Mr. Right, her complacent tabby while blogging and texting the night away.

Regina? Regina are you up there? Sparkles is on the piano again!
Alright, im coming! Accompanied by slow but thunderous footsteps from above.
Her housemate’s development of an allergy to cat dander has brought about more turmoil than Regina had hoped. Now she keeps him under wraps, up in the parlour. But at times he slips out to lay on the smoothest surface in the house, the top of the Mrs. Wellongton’s Grand. It wouldn’t be a problem, she could keep the door shut tight and that would be that. But to err is human and sometimes she forgets and sometimes it’s in efforts to establish a cross-breeze to air out her quarters. Not worrying overly about it, she gathers up Sparkles, dander and all and returns to the second floor, rubbing his belly as she goes.

The good doctor. What a guy. The man about town and the man on campus. Not a real doctor of course, but one to be. Take the best in life, his mother asserted. Having sustained a blow from her husband’s long-term adultery, his mother cast off her attitude of subservient restraint and began living away the bank account. And so, now away at medical school, our stunning scholar takes that attitude like he does most other things: with a type of jovial seriousness. One would understand a lot by his comings and goings. Entertaining the odd lady has recently come into his realm of activities, about which his mother is enthused but at arms length. Her simple advice: “don’t be like your father” could have been stitched on a sampler and hung in his foyer.

Every year when the festive season approaches, Ava’s life takes a turn. All the entertaining that goes on and merriment to be had and her well tuned existence gets a bit of a rattle. “its enough to get you depressed”, she complains. “I feel like my fundamental right to choose gets trampled by peer pressure – im so weak! Normally a devout vegetarian (not even soy bacon bits – it suggests a pork addiction), she finds, after a night of especially heavy imbibing that perhaps a sausage isn’t out of the question. She catches herself, of course, before it gets beyond a notion. The decadence of it all! Looking about the room at the baubles and trinkets, expensive bottles and the like, it’s enough to make a girl like Ava want to tuck in to her organically manufactured duvet at wait ‘till the new year.

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