Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Suger! (D)

Annie was a sugar fiend

She’d eat and eat till she turned green

Her favorite snacks were lollypops

She brushed her teeth with candy drops.

Cookies, cupcakes, donuts too

She’d have a dozen, maybe two.

All she earned she spent on sweets

On biscuits, gummies, and on treats.

Coke and Pepsi, lemonade

“where’s all the money that you made?”

“In my tummy,” she’d reply.

Singing her sugar lullaby.

When oh when will Annie learn?

When her waste is a balloon?

When she cannot walk or stand?

When she cannot reach or bend?

When each tooth will have a hole?

Instead of walking she will roll!

To the dentist! To the gym!

To the pool to swim! Swim! Swim!

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