Wednesday, February 14, 2007

toy concepts


anthonyboni said...

I'm really liking the light up jump rope idea :)
It would definitely enhance the fun level of normal rope-jumping visually. Plus, you'd know how awesome you looked using it, which would likely lead to further usage :P

The fun kitchen utensils might be more of a tool than a toy, unless they were miniature kids' replicas or something like that? I like the idea though (particularly the fork lol)

With the cool finger puppet storage mittens, it seems like you're putting together two things that already exist rather than creating something new... it's a new way to enjoy an old toy, so that might not be the strongest concept.

The seatbelt decoration idea is an interesting one. I'm not sure if it would be as entertaining as the jump rope, but you can't exactly use a skipping rope in a car either. I might also be biased because I'm drawn to flashing lights - If you made the seatbelt decorations flash, I'd be sold.
Then again, would flashing lights in a vehicle be a safety hazard (driver distraction), thus affecting the use-ability of that design?
(...It would make the pieces easier to find when dropped under a car seat though)

Logan said...

I think the jump rope's a great idea. Provides lots of opportunity for listening to MC Hammer in laser beam T-shirts. The flashing lights would only add to the excitement of hammer time.

I think the kitchen utensils are the most feasable. You could really have a lot of fun designing the characters. Making the utensils both ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing